Test Whistler Shot

Still waiting on the Whistler rig to be finished, and his companion. So in the mean time I have done several shots of how I might have the scenes pan out. Below is a first attempts of facial movement.

Lots of polishing needed and following through/overlapping on some movements.


Basic Poses for MAC

Ok so here’s some very basic poses for MAC in the early stages with no polishing yet. I aim to do about five in total, moves you might see in a game etc walking, or running, firing guns, throwing grenades just a few options.  Take a quick look below.

First signs of a creature

Today was the first time I’ve seen the creature take a real turn in development, I’ve seen brief glimpses of Josh modelling it over the weeks but today was a real eye opener Here are some stills below, Just hoping to get the rig soon as we are literally down to last 3 weeks, which doesn’t give me much time. 😦 Looking great though Josh!

Pic 1

Pic 2

Whistler Model/Rigging

Today I received the Whistler model and rig from Lukas, although he informs me it still isn’t quite there yet on some blend shapes and maya hair that he wants to make adjustments too. I’m itching to start animating with the model to see how it performs under duress. Here’s a  brief video of how it’s looking so far… Enjoy 🙂


First test with Mech

So after tinkering about for some time with the various controllers on the Mech rig I find there are some parts that come away from the arms. But being that time is now an issue I really haven’t got time to ask for Graham or Nick to fix the issue and it’s not particularly vital to the animation or the Mechs movement. Here is just literally ten minutes of playing around to see how things work.


Environment for Mech

Ok so after thinking hi and low what to do for this project since the fold of the original from Johan and Nick. I finally thought about a scene where this Mech encounters some foot soldiers on a ruined post apocalyptic street where the soldiers are seen trying to escape from the machine. At the same time I was thinking as I’m creating a game like character for the Johnny Mac project this could be used to represent the soldiers. Two birds one stone. Here is a quick fly through of the street scene below.

A different approach

After so much time trying to fix the Mac model and the deadline approaching fast, I have decided to take an alternative route. Finding a model I have started to rig and skin.  Already I’m getting fast results, with no issues that I faced with the other model. However I do plan to go back and resolve the problems with Megan’s model once I have something substantial to animate for these final weeks. Here are some stills of the model and I’ll post a deform video very soon to follow.

New Mac

The tavern has arrived

The Whistlers local tavern has arrived today modeled by Bek Rootes, this will be the environment that the whistler will perform the opening sequence. Bek has modeled it all from scratch and has created textures and lighting for the scene. Well done Bek great work. Here’s a short video showing a basic look at it.

Skinning issues with Mac

Since receiving the model from Megan I have spent the last three days rigging and skinning, but the majority of this has been trying to fix the mesh on the Mac Model, not being a modeller I’m finding this somewhat a slow process. The problem is that the mesh was sent as layers and not combined, so when the skin is bound to the rig and I’m painting weights it becomes extremely as the underlying vertices are not being covered. Here is a quick video below of the problem I’m facing. Oh and if anyone might know a quick fix, please drop me a line 🙂

Mech Rig finished

Great news Mech Rig has arrived from Graham and Nick, so now it’s time to see how this little chap animates. Still thinking of how to approach this project now that it’s been cancelled, but I’ll think of something I guess. Here are a few pics of how the Mech turned out from the original sketch.

Mech Still